
Horribly Hilly Hundreds 2021

I originally signed up for the HHH last year, and when it was canceled I deferred my registration for this year. Unfortunately, their signup was early in the year, you know, back when COVID vaccine availability was still a nebulous thing, so I ignored it… Well, karma intervened; I won’t be punting on what will certainly rank among the most challenging things I’ve done… Wish me luck, and if you’re at the event, make sure to say hello, or share a beer at the end.

The 200K option of the HHH offers 124.2 miles of riding. You’ll climb 40 significant rises, from 50-foot bumps to the 910-foot final climb, for a total of 10,700 feet of elevation gain. The ride has four full-service rest stops, including bathrooms, at mile markers 24, 44, 65, 98 and the finish line. Leg C is the easiest, a respite in preparation for legs D and E. There will be mini-water stops at critical intersections where you can fill up your water bottle and get a banana or granola bar, but those will not have restrooms.

Staying on the route is facilitated by maps, cue sheets, and adhesive arrows on the road. Sag wagons, medical support, and repair trucks will be available. Bring extra tubes and other spares, especially if you use sew-up tires or non-standard gear. We recommend a minimum of a 27-tooth rear cassette. Many successful completers of the HHH have used a rear MTB derailleur with a 32- or 34-tooth, or a triple crank.

Ham radio operators will be manning the course. Stop any of them or a sag wagon if you need assistance. In the event of a serious emergency, use your cell phone or get to the nearest house and call 911.

Horribly Hilly Hundreds

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