
Turkey Burner – 2021

I’ve been holding off registering for the 2021 Turkey Burner for a few reasons. The most important was weather; racing 65 miles in a snow storm didn’t sound appealing… Fortunately, it will only be cold and windy, so one concern down. The second was that they didn’t publish a route until earlier today, and it felt weird to signup for a mystery race. Two down. The last one is that I didn’t properly rest after Lowell, so still carrying way more fatigue than I would like. But, given that even, if it wasn’t the last gravel race I see within easy travel distance, the weather is only going to get worse. Might as well get the experience in, maybe riding tired I can learn how to ride smarter :).

This event takes place on some of the best gravel roads in Eastern Iowa and will be sure to test your fitness, regardless of what distance you choose to tackle. There are two distance options available, the Big Tom (60ish miles) and the Little Tom (30ish miles). There will be a podium for top three men and women in each race. Prizes and trophies will be awarded.


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