
Moving The Goalposts

I have an unexpected goals problem. I had hoped that shaving 1:30 off my Alpe Du Zwift time was a tough, but achievable long-term goal that would keep me motivated for at least a few months. Where it actually turned out to be a totally achievable short-term goal. When I set out on the first attempt, my expectation was an improvement, but nothing near the 3:05 I ended up taking off my time.

To be clear, this is a great problem to have because it means that the legs are in much better shape than I expected. But, it’s still a problem because now I need to reset, and figure something else out to keep me heading down to the basement twice (or more depending on the weather) a week to get on the trainer during the grey, cold winter months. The easy option is to keep the current goal, assuming that the 182lb Pure Climber will turn the screws, crushing my current lead by a sizable margin.

While I’m 100% confident that this will happen; because the last time I was out in Colorado he broke me down to the point where I was looking forward to the 14+ hour drive home. From experience I find that I’m much better at chasing, than leading, so I worry that complacency will win out. On the other hand, I’m struggling to come up with something that was as motivating, but I have come up with a couple options:

  1. Target a 10mph average up AdZ, current pace was 9.7mph
  2. Top 5 finish in a “B” Zwift race

Right now I’m leaning towards #1 because it’s totally on me, and firmer target than the more esoteric #2. But, #2 will probably be more fun, and punishing. I should have better prepared for this.

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