
Have a Specialized Mirror Saddle? You might need to skip the Chamois Cream.

I ran across a post on Reddit the other day where someone claimed that they were told that using chamois cream with the saddle might destroy it. That seemed really strange to me, because the Venn diagram of people who buy expensive 3D printed saddles who’s entire reason for existence is to enhance comfort, and people who use chamois cream is probably a circle.

So I reached out to Specialized Rider Care (aka support) for the official word, and while there is a little dodge there. It looks like they are in fact aware of the problem, and providing the guidance around skipping chamois cream 🤯.

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for reaching out to Rider Care. While we’re unable to comment on specific claims from the internet like the one you kindly linked to we are aware of some riders who have experienced intermittent issues with their Mirror saddles but no definite cause is known. Some combinations of specific chamois creams and sunscreens, as well as hot and humid riding conditions, moisture from the body, and certain indoor riding conditions can affect the cover material on saddles in general.

Our current recommendation is that riders use the saddle without chamois cream if possible to prolong the life of the saddle and clean with a 5% water/dish soap solution after use for best results if any chamois cream is used. This does not guarantee your saddle will be free from wear. Normal wear and tear is expected over the service life of a saddle since all saddles undergo considerable stress and friction while riding. If you encounter anything of interest with your specific saddle let us know and we’ll see how best to assist.

All the best,

Mitchell | Specialized USA Rider Care

Personally, as a long time, and almost exclusive Specialized saddle user, I am troubled by the lack of appropriate consideration that went into the design of this saddle. It seems very off that accounting for this use case wouldn’t have been on the first set of design requirements. Frankly, knowing what I know now, any desire to give one of these Mirror saddles a go is completely gone.

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8 months ago

Thanks for this post. With all this fine-text (including “For your safety, Specialized recommends this product be replaced after 3 years of use.”) I feel kinda disappointed.

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