
IQ² MTB Should, maybe, come in June/July 2020

Not quite two years ago, IQ² got enough people to back the [incredibly innovative, but alas, not sound from an engineering perspective] power meter dongle (?) designed to sit agnosticlly between the pedal and the crank. As a SPD rider, yes, even on the road, this seemed the perfect place to measure power; without the drawbacks of putting the power meter in a consumable pedal. Oh, and the price was perfect. Unfortunately, this was not to be… And so we now have two pedals. One for road, the other for MTB (or more correctly, SPD), and while efforts have been focused on the road pedal, until today no (even mushy) timeline has been put out there for when we might see the SPD version.

MTB lead times

Many of you have asked for an estimation of the expected delivery of the MTB pedals. At their core, both types of pedals are exactly the same and work with the same sensors. Therefore, by developing the road pedal, we have also been developing the mountain bike pedal over the past months. However, taking muddy roads, bumping into tree trunks and jumping from hills requires some extra care to be put into the pedals for robustness and safety.  We estimate we can start delivering the MTB pedals 3 months after road pedal delivery. This would mean that the MTB pedals will be delivered June/July 2020.


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