
KOM Cycling RPV2 Full Motion Rocker Plate

I’m not entirely sold on the necessity of forward/back motion from a rocker plate. But, there’s no denying that it couldn’t hurt, and $800 isn’t terrible… There’s a lot of neat in KOM’s approach, but mostly it demonstrates how easy it would be to retrofit an existing rocker with similar kit 🤔.

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Mike E
Mike E
3 years ago

Was considering getting one – sadly no longer available, asked on DCR, someone posted:
“Thank you for your patience in our response to your message. We are saddened to inform you that our RPV2 Rocker Plate is now discontinued due to unforeseen legal threats and will not be available this winter season or in the future.”
RPV1 still available, considering that.

Mike E
Mike E
Reply to  Andrew Van Til
3 years ago

I ordered RPV1 (at slightly increased price) as a birthday present to myself and received RPV2 – nice surprise! Tried it yesterday for 90 minutes – like it a lot so far, much more comfortable compared to just the trainer. Haven’t tried side-to-side only rocker plate, but I think extra forward/back movement does help.

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