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absoluteBlack GRAPHENlube


No. The answer is no. That £114 chain lube is not “worth it”.

I mentioned absoluteBlack’s GRAPHENlube massive claims when it was announced a while back, and has gotten around to testing it. The TLDR, err… W, is yes, according to’s claims, it is a bit more efficient. Not a lot, but, some. Is it a number that you would feel on the bike? Ah… No, I don’t think so. But, there’s a huge problem here with the testing methodology, that the tester…

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Do buzzwords make you faster?

A series of unprintable lube-based jokes ran, quite rapidly, through my thoughts when I saw this Graphene chain lube news this morning. Fortunately, for you, and likely my liability insurance premiums, they will all remain “inside-the-head” thoughts. But, let’s pause a moment for conjecture. Now, let’s just assume that absoluteBLACK’s GRAPHENlube, is every bit as good as their grasp of proper casing. No, wait… let’s roll with “lives up to all of…

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